Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability
Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability

Justification Review of the Public Transportation Program

Report 99-24, January 2000

Report Summary

  • The department's process for managing public transportation grants is generally effective in ensuring proper use of grant funds. However, the seaport program's separation from other transportation modes restricts the state's ability to develop an integrated, balanced statewide transportation system. Some legislators, legislative staff, and the Office of the Comptroller have expressed concerns over insufficient management controls and other accountability issues for seaport projects, although some legislators and seaport representatives assert that the current process provides reasonable state oversight.
  • Although public transportation systems provide alternatives to motorists and businesses facing increased roadway congestion, these systems are not adequately developed or effectively utilized. Reasons include lack of public support, fragmented transportation planning, and insufficient land use planning that allows urban sprawl. The results are longer commuting times, delayed delivery of goods and services, and higher highway right-of-way costs.

Related Reports
  1. Progress Report: Some Public Transportation Improvements Made; Stronger Planning for High-Speed Rail Needed
    Report 01-37 August 2001
  2. Department of Transportation Can Expedite Its Proposed Staffing Reduction Plan
    Report 01-13 March 2001
  3. Highway Construction and Engineering and Transportation System Maintenance Programs
    Report 99-29 January 2000
  4. PB2 Performance Report for the Florida Department of Transportation's Programs' Performance for Fiscal Year 1997-98
    Report 98-60 February 1999
Copies of this report in print or alternate accessible format may be obtained by email, telephone (850) 488-0021, or mail 111 W. Madison St., Room 312 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1475.
Copies of this report in print or alternate accessible format may be obtained by email, telephone (850) 488-0021, or mail 111 W. Madison St., Room 312 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1475.
transportation, highway safety, public transportation, aviation, rail, seaports, transit, grant management, regional transportation planning, metropolitan planning organizations, intermodal, congestion, urban sprawl, economic development