Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability
Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability

Follow-Up Report on the Inmate Idleness Reduction Activities Administered by the Department of Corrections

Report 97-51, February 1998

Report Summary

  • The Department of Corrections and the Legislature have taken positive steps to better manage the inmate population. The department increased the number of full-time work and self-improvement program assignments. However, the department did not have full-time work or program assignments for 15% of the available inmate population.
  • The department should continue its efforts to provide additional work and self-improvement opportunities for inmates. The department should also continue to implement strategies that keep inmates occupied during times when they are not participating in work or self-improvement activities.

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Copies of this report in print or alternate accessible format may be obtained by email, telephone (850) 488-0021, or mail 111 W. Madison St., Room 312 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1475.
Copies of this report in print or alternate accessible format may be obtained by email, telephone (850) 488-0021, or mail 111 W. Madison St., Room 312 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1475.
criminal justice, crime, corrections, inmate idleness